Project Title: Stop Dropout, Stop Tear Drops! |
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
Main objective of the project: Exchange of Good Practices
Project Start Date 01-10-2018
Project Total Duration 24 months
Project End Date 30-09-2020 (Due to the pandemic, the project implementation time is extended)
Participating Organisations:
Mevlana Technical and Vocational Anatolian High School
Turkey, İstanbul
Srednja strukovna skola
Croatia, Varaždin
Vilniaus Simono Konarskio mokykla
Vilnius, Lithuania
Budapesti Gazdasági SZC Harsányi János Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája
Hungary, Budapest

Medias about project Stop Dropout, Stop Tear Drops! 2019 03 28 Uczniowie z Konarskiego w Chorwacji, w ramach projektu „Erasmus+ Stop Drop out, Stop Tear Drops!”
Srednja strukovna skola (Croatia) 2019 03 2018 12 07 STOP DROPOUT, STOP TEAR DROPS!
Srednja strukovna skola (Croatia) 2018 12 07 Prvi sastanak koordinatora u Istanbulu
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